Thursday, July 4, 2013

Going to the Sun

Monday morning we packed up the car and headed north. Our next destination was Glacier National Park in Montana. We had a good night's sleep and were facing a day of driving. Several hours into our trip, we stopped to have a picnic lunch. The girls were a bit disappointed that there was no playground. So, naturally I told them a few "back in my day, we only had cardboard boxes to play with...and we walked uphill to school. Both ways. In the snow." stories.

Horses by the side of the road in Montana.
Initially, we were planning on heading up the west side of the park, as it was a more direct route to the cabin we booked. However, after talking to a few people, we decided to take a two hour detour so that we could take Going to the Sun Road across the park. This turned out to be a fantastic idea, as the scenery was by far the most beautiful we've seen on this trip.

Following the 51 miles of sensory overload, we finally arrived at our cabin. Perhaps they knew we were on Vacation, as the name of our cabin was “Griz.” It was a very nice cabin, and the price included scenery and wildlife fun.

The girls in front of the "Griz"
We unpacked (again!) and then headed to dinner at Glacier Grill. Dinner was excellent, and when we finished it was still light outside, although it was 10pm. Does the sun ever go down here?  The girls and I stayed up to watch “Escape from Alcatraz” (one of my favorite movies of all time) and Sherri hit the sack. The sound from the iPad wasn’t good, so we were all huddled on the bed straining to listen to it. I was holding the iPad, which was good because I was able to flip it out of view during the shower scene. I realized how unprepared I feel for these girls to grow up. But, I am making the most of it while they are still young and still think I’m (somewhat) cool. Well, ok, Emily probably doesn’t think I’m cool. About three-quarters of the way through, the girls were barely hanging on the edge of being awake, so we paused the movie with 30 minutes left and went to bed.

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